SELF-SELECTED APOLOGETICS ARGUMENT: THESIS STATEMENT – OPENING STAGE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Overview The function of a thesis statement is to provide the reader or hearer with a clear idea of the presenter’s purpose. A good thesis statement guides every part of the presentation. Knowing how to formulate a good thesis statement appropriate to the presentation is a vital communication skill for life and ministry. For this apologetics argument, the thesis will provide a statement that will govern the writing of every aspect of the paper. For this reason, it is the first stage of writing. The careful formulation of a thesis is important for the presentation of apologetic ideas because it allows the writer to express ideas with precision, purpose, cohesion, and clarity. The thesis statement for this paper will express a critique of a worldview opposed to orthodox Christianity and a defense of Christianity against that worldview.
Instructions The thesis must be consistent with the overall goal of the assignment. The thesis statement must express a clear, precise, and concise critique of a worldview opposed to orthodox Christianity and a defense of Christianity against that worldview. It must be expressed in one (1) sentence (25-75 words long). The whole paper will be built around and upon this thesis statement. Please review the advanced column of the rubric for this assignment before beginning the assignment so that you can understand the grading expectations for this assignment. This assignment requires a current Turabian format title page. Consult your instructor per email or phone for feedback before official and final submission. Worldview Choices – Choose one of these nine worldviews to write about in this paper (note that papers written on these topics earlier in your academic career will not be accepted nor will significantly sections from such papers be accepted; self-plagiarism is to be avoided):
1. Scientific Naturalism
2. Secular Humanism
3. Postmodernism
4. Islam
5. Judaism
6. Hinduism
7. Buddhism
8. Mormons
9. Jehovah’s Witnesses