The following resource is required for this assignment: Resume Evaluation Checklist (Links to an external site.).
Part 1: Job Advertisement
Visit online job search sites or talent networks and select a job ad for which you will target your resume. Paste the text of the job ad that includes the full description of the job, including the job title, job requirements, skills, knowledge, and so forth, into a Microsoft Word document and save it as JobAdLASTName.docx. Do not submit a link or a screenshot of the job ad.
Part 2: Targeted Resume
Your targeted resume must include the following components.
- Personal information (name, address, phone number, email address, LinkedIn Profile link)
- For the purpose of this assignment, you may use generic information for the address and phone number.
- The Target Job Title matching the job ad
- Professional Summary that reflects the student’s skills and experiences relative to the job description (not an Objective; must be a Professional Summary)
- Omit any personal pronouns (for example: I, me, my).
- Education history that includes accurate degree title; for example, A.A. or B.S. in _____
- A Skills Summary that includes both technical and transferable skills organized in a logical order
- Work experience that is summarized by using achievement statements, not task lists
- Summarize your work experience in four to five points under each position held, focusing on concrete and measurable accomplishments. Do not use personal pronouns.
Part 3: Resume Evaluation Checklist
Fill out and submit your completed Resume Evaluation Checklist. All of the shaded cells need to show either G/F/P or Y/N based on your self-evaluation of your targeted resume.
Check that your submission is complete with three Microsoft Word documents. Do not submit pdfs or a .zip file.
- A current job ad with full description of the position requirements, not a link or a screenshot, pasted into a Word document and saved as JobAdLASTName.docx
- Targeted Resume saved as your ResumeLASTName.docx
- Resume Evaluation Checklist (all of the shaded cells need to be filled in and saved as ChecklistLASTName.docx)
Your resume should have appropriate headings and design elements (e.g., white space, bold, underline, italics, varying font sizes*) to improve readability and visual appeal. You should also make efforts to limit the resume to one or two pages. The resume must also be targeted to the job ad and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.
*Note: Students should take care to avoid overusing all of these design elements in one document.
Submit all three parts of your assignment by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
The grading rubric for this assignment is listed below.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Personal information (may use generic phone and email) and LinkedIn link is included.
Resume includes a Target Job Title and Professional Summary (not an Objective) that relates to the job posting and does not include personal pronouns (for example: I, me, my, we, our)
Education history is up-to-date and appropriate for job posting. Complete and accurate name of degree is included; for example, B.S. in _____. Anticipated date of graduation mm/yyyy.
Skills summary includes both technical and transferable skills targeted to the selected job posting.
Work experience summaries are written as achievement statements, not lists of tasks.
Formatting is visually appealing and professional. There are no grammar or spelling errors.
Complete job ad (not a screenshot or a link) is submitted as a Word document and named as specified in the assignment instructions.
Resume Evaluation Checklist is complete and saved as specified in the assignment instructions.
Total Points: 75