Lessons learned in my senior year
Lessons I learned from my Senior Year
This essay can either be a narrative or expository essay, you choose. You need to figure out an appropriate way to organize it and follow that pattern of organization throughout the whole essay. So for example, you can do narrative in chronological order, or narrative in flashback mode (so you start with today and then go back in time to specific incidences) or you can chose expository (Explanatory) mode, which means organize the essay by lessons learned and then use the events as evidence to your claims. So that last form would be claim, evidence and reasoning for every point made in the paragraphs.
Other than organization, you will be marked for how attention-grabbing and meaningful your introduction, points and conclusion are, your word choice, your sentence structure, your conventions and your tone.
Points that you can consider if you like:
Covid and all of its ramifications, online learning and school, a fellow colleague’s death, any shortcomings on your part, other outside circumstances, senior prank, what you would have done differently now that you know the outcome of a lot of actions, and anything else that was meaningful or left a mark.
* COVID affecting our academic life
* a loss of our beloved friend omar Gamal in a caR accident
What I thought would be the best and happiest year of my life, actually turned out to be the most challenging year that I have ever lived through. The senior year for any student is always the happiest, and the most exciting year, filled with good byes, smiles, laughs, and cries; however, for my senior year it was a mix of feelings, emotions, worries, stressful times, and surely happy times.
Going though online school was a struggle within itself, and with the pandemic I fell extremely sick during to covid, adjusting from living a normal life to being confined into four walls was definitely a difficult adjustment that I had to with hold, this is because of many reasons such as staying at home for long periods of time as I am usually a very active person, I professionally train gymnastics at black ball academy and I have been doing this for over years so it has become a routine. Having to let go of that for a certain amount of time was definitely rough as I felt like I was letting my athletes down. Another struggle I had was not being able to be do any exercise due to the extreme exhaustion I was dealing with due to the many side effects such as my fever. I was dealing constantly hazy and muddled, getting up early in the mornings was a hassle in itself. Therefore waking for school was challenging as I wasn’t able to focus on classes due to the extreme fatigue I was focusing, which I’m sure my fellow classmates have experienced too without the side effects covid posses. This made it that much harder to be able to produce work of qaulity and content while still being able to submit it before the strict deadlines. In conclusion this period of time I had covid taught me many lessons, it exhibited a sneak peak of what the real world was going to be like, such as not being able to have sick days during work. It also taught me how to manage my time while being tired and being able to produce the best work I could under burdensome circumstances.