Discuss the different players and their culpability in the death of Gabriel Fernandez. Note, this may change from epis
Netflix Documentary Analysis
Netflix series The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez
Episode 3: Failure at all Levels (40 Points)
For this assignment, you will be watching the Netflix series, The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez, and will write a critical
analysis for each of the six episodes. You must write a 1-page (single-spaced) for each episode of the series that
addresses the instructions below.
Papers should be typed in a Word document (.doc or .docx), 12-point font, Times New
Roman, with 1 margins all the way around, and 1 FULL page. Text should be broken into paragraphs (3-5 sentences) and paragraphs should be indented. Correct grammatical sentence and word structures must be used. Check your spelling and grammar prior to submission. For example, do not use contractions (e.g., dont, cant, couldnt, its) or start a sentence with a conjunction (e.g., But, And, Because, etc.). Do NOT use first person (e.g., I, me, my, myself, we, us, our, etc.). Do NOT, under any circumstances, write a summary. Additionally, APA
in-text citations & references MUST be used and used correctly. You are required to use APA in-text citations and create an APA Reference page for each paper. Plagiarism/cheating
policy is strictly followed. Be sure to place your name on your document. Materials that are
submitted that are not in accordance with these guidelines will not be accepted.
Part 1. Provide a brief summary of the episode of The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.
- This summary should include the major points of the episode and any critical case information provided in the associated episode that you will address.
- This portion should only be one paragraph, no more. This should not take up more than 1/4th of your paper.
- Do NOT forget the include your in-text citation.
Part 2. After providing a summary of the episode, critically analyze the episode based on thoughts and reactions to the case.
- Discuss the different players and their culpability in the death of Gabriel Fernandez. Note, this may change from episode to episode.
- Discuss and rationalize any relevant course material that may play a role in this case.
- I want to hear your analysis, not theirs or the books. I already know what they think and how they have dissected this case.
- Do NOT forget to include your in-text citations.
Part 3. After completing your paper, you will need to include a separate reference page with all references used for your analysis in correct APA format.