Hi Class,
Instructions for your debate essay assignment are below, read carefully. Follow the instructions below, and submit your paper through the “Debate Essay 1 Submission Link” in “Course Content” in Blackboard.
Debate 1 Instructions:
2.5 – 4 pages. Typed, double spaced. Cite all sources (form of citation does not matter).
DUE SUNDAY OCT 24, at 11:59pm.
Topic: Will the new laws passed by the Texas Legislature which are designed to improve our power grid (following Winter Storm Uri in February) help or harm the Texas economy?
(last name begins with) A-K: democrats
L-Z: republicans
(You will switch parties for debate 2, goal of assignment is to learn views of both parties.)
This is an economic policy debate. Your essay must speak to the effects of the recently articulated democratic proposal on student loans on our economy. Why will this idea improve / harm our economic indicators of success?
Your essay must contain:
- A summary of how the Power Grid in Texas is managed. (about ½ page)
- A summary of the actions taken in relevant Texas laws passed in 2021 (about ½ page)
- A summary of the basic views of both parties, using the language of Freedom From / Freedom To AND the 3 forms of equality (see my lecture videos) (about 1 page)
- A detailed analysis of why 1) your party’s idea will improve our economy and 2) why the other party’s idea will harm our economy, using the specific economic indicators discussed in my lecture video (about 1 page to 1 ½ pages)
*parts 1-3 should be written objectively (non-partisan), part 4 should take on a partisan or biased tone.
Reasearch Instructions:
1. Make sure you have watched and studied the “Economic Policy Basics at the State Level” lecture videos, as well as the “Parties and Partisanship in Texas” lecture videos prior to attempting this assignment.
2. You are to conduct independent research on the specific policy issue as any interested citizen would: rely on your internet search engines to help you find relevant facts, and especially, to help you find some basic evidence (anecdotal stories, basic descriptive statistics, etc.) that supports the argument you are making. The spirit of this assignment is not to produce a professional level analysis of the issue you have been assigned, so don’t be intimidated here. The spirit of this assignment is to produce an intelligent interpretation of events as a regular citizen who is investing some of your time into learning about the issue. You’re gaining the confidence to learn about other similar issues in the future, as they effect your own lives: demonstrate that you can do that, and you’ll fare well on this assignment.